How Do Power Contacts Work?

Power Contacts have view and/or edit rights to all Tickets that belong to their associated Company in HubSpot.

Power Contacts

Power Contacts are a frequently used feature of the Portal. Contacts that have been designated as Power Contacts can not only view their tickets, but also any ticket that is associated with either their associated Company or from a Contact associated to their Company. 


In the left panel, navigate to Power Contacts. Here you’ll be able to see your current Power Contacts and their Read/Write permissions in this table>

To create a new Power Contact, click Create Power Contact in the upper right. In the search field, type either the name or email of the Contact and hit Enter. This will search for that Contact in your HubSpot instance. One thing to notice is the “Read-Only” column, which if checked when you add the Power Contact will only allow them to view the tickets of their associated company, but not respond.

Click the checkbox to the right of the names of the people you’d like to become Power Contacts and hit Add Selected.


Let’s say your SaaS company serves schools. The IT Admin, Donovan, is your main contact, but teachers frequently create Tickets from within the Portal. Because Donovan and the teachers are associated with the same Company, as a Power Contact Donovan can see all of the school’s Tickets in his Portal. 


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