How To Subscribe To hapily Apps In the hapily Portal

Learn how to change the subscription tier for hapily apps using the hapily portal!

Times change and so do subscription tiers. Perhaps you’ve been using the free version of an app and are convinced it’s just what you need. Or maybe you’re already subscribed but need an upgrade.

Regardless of your reasons, you can change the subscription tier for all hapily apps from your hapily portal. Here’s how to do it:

1. Start by logging into your portal here.

2. If you’re a part of multiple HubSpot accounts with installed hapily apps, you’ll want to make sure you’re changing the subscription for the correct one. Click your name in the top right of the hapily portal and select the correct HubSpot ID from the dropdown list.

How to subscribe to hapily apps

3. Once the page reloads, click Payments > Subscriptions in the left sidebar.

4. You’ll see all the installed apps for the selected HubSpot account on the resulting page. Find the app you want to change the subscription for and click Change Plan.

How do I subscribe to hapily apps?

5. Choose whether you want the Monthly or Yearly plan using the slider in the top right of the subscription window.

6. Find the plan you want to subscribe to and click the Get button.

Subscribing to hapily apps in the hapily portal

7. You’ll be redirected to a checkout page where you can enter in payment details and/or confirm your payment.

How to upgrade your hapily  app subscription

And that’s all there is to it! Your subscription should activate on your HubSpot account shortly after your payment is processed.

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