What Are The Limitations Of Associ8

We wish Associ8 could do everything, but it can't...just yet. Learn what Associ8 can and can't do.

What Associ8 Can and Can't Do

Building this app was definitely a labor of love, and unfortunately, there were several limitations of HubSpot that we currently cannot surpass.

Here’s what Associ8 CAN do:

  • Associate Standard and Custom Objects (Contacts, Tickets, Deals, Companies) based on a matching property value
  • Add association labels
  • Remove association labels
  • Disassociate objects

Here’s what Associ8 CANNOT do:

  • Associate more than 100 objects in a single association attempt (i.g. 1 company to 100 tickets in the same association attempt).

Still have questions? Email us at care@hapily.com